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Angel Voices Oracle - tarot decks

Playing Cards
Playing Cards -> Tarot decks

Price: US $13.39

ProductID: alt584

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About this item
  • A pretty, tidy 80-card oracle based on the traditional Christian guardian angels and archangels. The Angel Voices Oracle also incorporates astrological associations, shown by the colour-coding of the angels' backgrounds and clothing.

Name Angel Voices Oracle
Creators Antonella Castelli, Laura Tuan
Publisher Lo Scarabeo
Deck Type Oracle Deck
Cards 80


The angels featured in this deck follow the complicated structure described in Gnostic and medieval Christian texts, where there are 72 guardian angels divided into nine 'choirs' of eight angels each.

Choir - Planet - Background - Example Angels

Seraphs - Neptune - Cloudy sky - Elemiah, Lelahel
Cherubs - Uranus - Sky with lightning - Aladiah, Mebahel
Thrones - Saturn - Dark rainy sky - Leviah, Kaliel
Dominions - Jupiter - Blue starry sky - Seehiah, Omael
Powers - Mars - Red sky at sunset - Menadel, Aniel
Principalities - Sun - Blue sky with sun - Vevaliah, Asaliah
Virtues - Venus - Red sky at dawn - Daniel, Poiel
Archangels - Mercury - Changeable sky - Mizrael, Umabel
Angels - Moon - Night sky and moon - Eiael, Rohel

Then there are the seven archangels - Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Anael, Ariel, Zachariel and Cassiel. The deck also has one untitled card that represents "the great celestial palace with all of its floors".

Visually, the cards have blue watermarked borders and are numbered 1 to 80. Each card has its number, the Hebrew name of the angel, and planetary symbols for its 'formation' and its individual planet in yellow script. The cards are collectively called 'Arcana' and are very similar in general design, all featuring serene angels floating in the centre of the background.

The angels are on the whole young and lovely, with a very human appearance and only a single pair of wings. They are differentiated by the background, the colour of their robes (both of these are a symbol of their planetary association), and the instruments, flowers and gems that correspond to their aspect. My favourite card is 44, Ielahiah, shown with spear and sword against a sunny, clear sky. (She represents will and courage and is said to be concerned with interpersonal relationships.)

Inside the companion book, Angel Voices, each card is explained in two pages of text, containing its name, keyword, areas concerned, gifts, divinatory significance, relevant time period, and a number of 'guided' interpretations. These are specific, short divinatory meanings corresponding to each position in two simple seven and three card spreads. (These spreads are explained in the first chapter of the book and one is intended for general questions, one for specific questions.)

The Angel Voices Oracle isn't groundbreaking in theme or execution, but it is a tidy, simplified divinatory deck, suitable for those with a Christian background or who resonate with the guardian angel concept and like a tarot-sized oracle deck.

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