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Ancient Italian Tarot - tarot decks

Playing Cards
Playing Cards -> Tarot decks

Price: US $16.62

ProductID: alt562

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About this item
  • The Ancient Italian Tarot shows artwork in a medieval Italian style. The card scenes are of a similar style as the 1JJ
  • Swiss Tarot but with more detail and muted colour. Card titling is small and in Italian only.

Name Ancient Italian Tarot
Publisher Lo Scarabeo
Deck Type Tarot Deck
Cards 78

a torch to one of the posts of the Wheel, and placing at the head a crowned, winged figure who wields the thunderbolts of Jove and a cornucopia. The fruit of the cornucopia falls down the wheel, and is pursued by a fox.

Death (XIII - Il Tredici) is prettily traditional in design, the skeleton's scythe moving among crowns, mitres, swords, and other emblems of worldly vanity. Unfortunately, the card has been given a name, and that name means "the Thirteenth".

The Devil (XV - Il Diavolo) is a lively design of a trident-wielding Satan with bristly whiskers, sitting in flame on the backs of other monstrous figures.

The Moon (XVIII - La Luna) has a whimsical touch: the lobster is present, but appears on a platter. This makes the fact that the dogs ignore the feast and continue to howl at the moon slightly improbable.

All in all, the traditional symbols are present, or at least the cards are a reasonable artistic variation on the traditional symbols. The advantage of this de ck is that the traditional images are here engraved by a fine artist, rather than being done in blocky woodcut shapes.

This deck is worth comparing to another available deck, also published now by Lo Scarabeo, called "The Classical Tarots". This is a recoloured reprint of Della Rocca's original engravings. I like this one better. In the Classical Tarots, the fields of the images have been narrowed slightly to allow for the printing of keywords along the border. The court cards have been redone in this deck, and are much more attractive than Della Rocca's originals. The colouring of the cards is somewhat more muted here.

All in all, either would be an excellent traditional deck. This deck gets you mostly faithful Marseilles symbolism in a more attractive and artistic package.

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