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Sakki-Sakki Tarot - tarot decks

Playing Cards
Playing Cards -> Tarot decks

Price: US $15.53

ProductID: alt0664

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About this item
  • Also known as For The Artist in Each of Us

Name Sakki-Sakki Tarot
Alternate Names For The Artist in Each of Us
Creators Sakki-Sakki Artist
Publisher Self Published
Deck Type Tarot Deck
Cards 79
Major Arcana 23
Minor Arcana 56
Deck Tradition Rider-Waite-Smith
Minor Arcana Style Unique Scenes With Suit Symbols
Card Back Unknown


It was right. Now that I've been able to look through it and read with it, it's been on my mind every minute of the day that I haven't been able to touch it and flick through the cards.

The Sakki-Sakki comes in its own beautiful box (apparently it uses no glue to be held together, just clever folding and tucking) the top of which is decorated with the character from The World card. It has a lovely smooth, laminated finish which has been wearing quite well while being carried around daily in my backpack for the past couple of weeks. I'll be making a special cloth bag for this deck, but the box provides adequate protection for the cards and I'll be keeping the cards within the box inside the bag, simply because it's such a nice box.

When the top flap of the box is opened you find the deck and the little white book are wrapped with a cardboard band printed with the words, "Good Karma". I've found this inch or so wide band, which is made from the same cardboard as the box, to be quite convenient for lifting the deck out of the box without having to tip it upside down.

The cards themselves are a little longer and skinner than most (approximately 2½ by 4½ inches), giving me the impression of lovely long piano playing fingers. I found them easy to shuffle with my small hands by holding them on the long sides and shuffling with the short edge rather than the long edge of the cards. They're finished with a light and satiny lamination, smooth and silky, but not slippery and very nice to the touch.

The colours used in the artwork are bright, most cards presenting a wide array of colours, yet they manage to not be gaudy. Many cards also feature some black and white art in them, often used as part of the background, created by using what is referred to as sensitive inks. (I'm not exactly sure what this is, but it sounds interesting.) The artwork is contained within a narrow outline, which is in turn contained within another border which goes to the edge of the card, each card's border and outline a different colour to the next. There doesn't seem to be a pattern to the choice of border or outline colour aside from matching it to the artwork inside it. This could make for a very messy, unmatched looking deck, but it doesn't have this effect at all. With the bright colours throughout the deck it works very well.

The Sakki-Sakki Artist sticks fairly closely with the traditional imagery and symbolism, all of which is instantly recognisable, but it is put together using her own stock of images and presented in her own unique and colourful way. Some examples:

  • Many of the characters are headless. This works better than you might think it would.
  • The Devil is not scary at all. In fact, I think he's rather cute. He seems to be surrounded by lots of little minions.
  • Strength is a beautiful young woman with the lion curled up on her lap like a large cat. He looks fierce, but content.
  • The Lovers could be in a scene from Romeo and Juliet.
  • The person in the Nine of Swords has left the bed.
  • The man in the Seven of Rods looks a lot more relaxed than in the traditional RWS pose. In fact, dressed in his funky clothing, he looks almost as though he's about to head out for a night on the town. Perhaps he's going to defend himself against the onslaught of single women (or men, if he's inclined that way instead).
  • Justice looks like a very snobby judge.
  • The Moon is positively psychedelic.
  • The man in The Chariot is lead by a couple of colourful dragons with long eyelashes.
  • The Magician has an assistant consisting of just a pair of knee-high boots.
  • The Fool, his cliff and his dog, appear to be on a stage.

Some of the meanings given in the little white book have also been given her own slant. For instance, most traditional meanings for the Wheel of Fortune only indicate possible good fortune. The Sakki-Sakki Artist's reflections in the LWB state, in part, "We can't change the way the Wheel spins, but the choices we make can change the course of our lives. Remember that whether good or bad, nothing ever stays the same. Hop on for the ride, and expect the unexpected!"

The text for the Devil states, "The Devil invites us to meet our hidden desires and the ugliest image of ourselves. When we confront our dark side and either work to deny it or worry about it excessively, we only dig ourselves in deeper in mind games. The only way out of his darkness is through it - by becoming aware of all our inhibitions, suppressed urges and excesses. Accept and channel those energies in a positive fashion."

Some other small differences of note are that wands are called rods, pentacles are coins and the Judgement card is renamed The Angel. Also, where many of the traditional characters are male, the Sakki-Sakki Tarot features a more equal mix of males and females.

There is a seventy-ninth card included with the deck. This card is called the Artist. It can be used as a part of the deck or as a significator. From the LWB, this card "establishes the Sakki-Sakki deck as a Tarot for the Artist in each of us, for our individual and collective creative journeys."

This deck could easily be used by a beginner, such as myself, but there is plenty of meaning and symbology included for the more advanced or serious reader, including Hebrew letters, numerology, planets and the Zodiac signs. These are all given a brief outline in the LWB. For newcomers to these systems, the information included will be a good start, for those already familiar with them, they could be a handy quick reference.

Taken only at face value the Sakki-Sakki Tarot could be a light and amusing deck, but there is certainly a depth to the cards which can be found as one looks deeper and spends more time with the deck. At the very least, the deck is fun. At the most, it could be your new all-time favourite.

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